Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catchin' up

Sorry it has been a while. I updated some things on the blog the other day and I have been trying to get on here to post but sometimes I just run short of time. I was at a class of mine the other day and a little girl came up to me and said "How come your socks don't match?" (No I do not follow the popular fashion of wearing completely mismatched socks-both of my socks had stripes, one had fat black and white stripes and the other one had thin blue and white stripes ) Anyways, I went to answer her and attempt the impossible by trying to explain that I was just really awesome and I was allowed to do so when one of my frenemies (don't you just love new words?!) said "Oh, just excuse her, she's blonde." I rationed that the girl could use a decent explanation and would not accept that oh-so-futile atempt at explaining away my coolness, when......she walked extra explanation needed. A sad day for blondes everywhere when a six year-old recognized the stereotyping that is shoved onto blondes. Bummer. Too bad I'm not the crying type. I'm more of the 'face your problems and deck the people who caused them type'