Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Are There Evil Weeds?

A few days ago, I attempted the impossible! I decided to plant a (very) small garden in the back yard with my 2 brothers...not so brilliant of me! I started by sending C1. to gather sticks to put aroud the edge of the garden and C2. decided that he would help out by picking up all the earthworms and cutting them in half with my spade. We eventually got to the point of planting the bulbs and C2. wanted to know why we were burying things and felt like he needed to get them out because, just maybe all this heat was getting to us. We finally did the last of the bulbs and after about twenty minutes of repeating "C2., don't step in the garden honey..." C2. says " Is dirty, my hand is dirty...worm is dirty-I get 'im out " we were able to start putting up the stick border so D. wouldn't mow over the flowers.
During all of this I was explaing to C1 that we had to watch out for 'evil weeds' and make sure that they didn't take over our flowers. When we walked away to go eat dinner (and wash up) C1. said, " K2., why did God make evil weeds, I thought He said the earth was good, and evil weeds aren't good." I responded, " Well in the begining it was good, and everything was perfect. Then Adam and Eve disobeyed God by doing something very naughty and God cursed the earth because of it. That is why there are thorns, cactus' and other 'evil weeds'. You know how when we do something bad and M. and D. punish us? Well God loved Adam and Eve and they had to be punishd too, that is wjy there are 'evil weeds'."
This is true but it comes with reassurance. Those that have repented and put thier faith in Jesus to save them from Hell have the assurance of a New Earth. I look forward to the day without and 'evil weeds' and the day when I can glorify my Savior without any blemishes of sin. Do you?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Six Years Old and Politically-Minded

Two days ago Kayla was reading "Encyclopedia of the Presidents" and Colton looked at the front cover and saw President Obama's picture on it. He was under the impression that everyone on the book was dead and he told her "Kayla! Obama is on this that means he's dead!" (By the way he said this in a worried tone) She reassured him that he wasn't dead and he furthered the discussion by saying, "Well, Obama needs to get out of the President. We need somebody good to be President, like Daddy."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Every Time I Go Outside...

Last week we had some (surprisingly) sunny weather, and the boys were on their way outside to go and play. Now, Colton has a chart, and for every day that he does all of his school he puts a sticker on this chart and when he fills up and entire weeks worth, he gets a prize. He is working towards earning the entire "Armour of God"- a suit of armour that is labeled to correspond with the "Armour of God" as listed in the New Testament book of Ephesians. The night before he had received his prize, "The Helmet of Salvation", and he took it outside to play with. Before he went he said, "Mom, every time I go outside I want to put on the armour of God." It reminded me of of the passage of scripture in Ephesians where Paul tells us to put the armour of God on every day, and as Christians we should be 'Going Outside' every day! What I mean by this is that we should be going onto the battlegrounds (the world) and fighting the battle of our Faith by, sharing with non-Christian people the coming Judgement of the entire world. We should be telling them that, even though they think they are 'good people' that if they have stolen one thing they are a thief , that if they've lied one time it makes them a liar, and that if they hate anyone0or even call them a fool in anger that they are in danger of the Judgement-Just like me! I have broken all of the Ten Commandments-God's moral Law and standard that HE set up for us, and I was destined for Hell. The Bible says that Hell is a place of everlasting fire and torment where people are in so much pain that they are grinding their teeth and breaking them. I was destined for this horrible place! When I realized that there was NO WAY that I could save myself, I repented (which is to confess to God what you've done wrong turn away from wrongdoings) and I put all of the faith in me in Jesus Christ to save me from hell. Who is Jesus? you may ask. well, two thousand years ago, Jesus, who is fully God and fully man came to earth to be born as a baby to a poor family. He lived a perfect life and 30-33 years into that life He was put before a judge, a biased jury and convicted of crimes that He never committed. He then willingly went to the Cross where He gave His life for anyone who repents and believes in Him. What happened that day was a legal transaction, Jesus paid my fine-that I couldn't pay because I had sinned and I was allowed to go free. I now serve Him a Soldier, enlisted in the Army of God. If you have any questions about this post please, feel free to ask, or go to
God Bless,